3. Step-by-step Guide#

  • This page explains how the CLI can be used

3.1. Check version#

/home/ken $ dvc version
WARNING:root:Cannot find logging_level. Using default INFO

3.2. Initialise configuration File#

/home/ken $ dvc cfg init
WARNING:root:Cannot find logging_level. Using default INFO
INFO:root:Now generating default config file config.yaml
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Generating database revision folder

3.3. Create Test Database#

 /home/ken $ psql -U postgres
psql (14.3)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# create database my_test_db;
postgres=# exit

3.4. Create Test Database#

  /home/ken $ vim config.yamlA

  1 credentials:¬
  2 ··dbflavour:·postgres¬
  3 ··dbname:·'my_test_db'¬
  4 ··host:·'localhost'¬
  5 ··password:·xxxxx
  6 ··port:·5432¬
  7 ··user:·'postgres'¬
  8 database_revision_sql_files_folder:·sample_revision_sql_files¬
  9 logging_level:·INFO¬

3.5. Populate sample_database_revision_files_folder#

 /home/ken $ ls ./sample_revision_sql_files

3.6. Ping the database#

 /home/ken $ dvc db ping
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
Database connection looks good!
Database: my_test_db
Host: localhost

3.7. Initialise the database#

 /home/ken $ dvc db init
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
Database init successful!
Database: my_test_db
Host: localhost

3.8. Check Current Database Version#

 /home/ken $ dvc db current
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
Database Current Version: V0

3.9. Do Dry-run for db upgrade#

  • Check the logs to console and ensure the SQL file to be applied is really the correct one.

 /home/ken $ dvc db upgrade --dry-run
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
Current Database Version is V0
Next Upgrade Revision Version will be 1
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
Below files will be applied:
[File Path: sample_revision_sql_files/RV1__create_scm_fundamentals_and_tbls.upgrade.sql]
INFO:root:Dry run is complete

3.10. Run DB Upgrade#

  • Upgrade the DB and check the db version afterwards

 /home/ken $ dvc db upgrade
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
Current Database Version is V0
Next Upgrade Revision Version will be 1
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
Below files will be applied:
[File Path: sample_revision_sql_files/RV1__create_scm_fundamentals_and_tbls.upgrade.sql]
Going to apply file File Path: sample_revision_sql_files/RV1__create_scm_fundamentals_and_tbls.upgrade.sql .....
You sure you want to continue ? [y/N]: y
INFO:root:Now applying sample_revision_sql_files/RV1__create_scm_fundamentals_and_tbls.upgrade.sql and marking to metadata table
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...

 /home/ken $ dvc db current
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
Database Current Version: V1

3.11. Use –head#

  • Check the SQL file(s) to be applied with the –head flag

 /home/ken $ dvc db upgrade --head
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
Current Database Version is V1
Next Upgrade Revision Version will be 2
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
Below files will be applied:
[File Path: sample_revision_sql_files/RV2__create_scm_datetime_and_tbls.upgrade.sql, File Path: sample_revision_sql_files/RV3__datetime__create_vw_trading_days_since_2021.upgrade.sql]
Going to apply file File Path: sample_revision_sql_files/RV2__create_scm_datetime_and_tbls.upgrade.sql .....
You sure you want to continue ? [y/N]: y
INFO:root:Now applying sample_revision_sql_files/RV2__create_scm_datetime_and_tbls.upgrade.sql and marking to metadata table
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
Going to apply file File Path: sample_revision_sql_files/RV3__datetime__create_vw_trading_days_since_2021.upgrade.sql .....
You sure you want to continue ? [y/N]: y
INFO:root:Now applying sample_revision_sql_files/RV3__datetime__create_vw_trading_days_since_2021.upgrade.sql and marking to metadata table
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...

3.12. Use –head#

  • Check the result in the database

 /home/ken $ psql -U postgres -d my_test_db
psql (14.3)
Type "help" for help.

my_test_db=# select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema not in ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog');
 table_catalog | table_schema |         table_name         | table_type | self_referencing_column_name | reference_generation | user_defined_type_cata
log | user_defined_type_schema | user_defined_type_name | is_insertable_into | is_typed | commit_action
 my_test_db    | dvc          | database_revision_history  | BASE TABLE |                              |                      |
    |                          |                        | YES                | NO       |
 my_test_db    | dvc          | database_version_history   | BASE TABLE |                              |                      |
    |                          |                        | YES                | NO       |
 my_test_db    | fundamentals | source                     | BASE TABLE |                              |                      |
    |                          |                        | YES                | NO       |
 my_test_db    | fundamentals | price                      | BASE TABLE |                              |                      |
    |                          |                        | YES                | NO       |
 my_test_db    | datetime     | special_date               | BASE TABLE |                              |                      |
    |                          |                        | YES                | NO       |
 my_test_db    | datetime     | vw_trading_days_since_2021 | VIEW       |                              |                      |
    |                          |                        | NO                 | NO       |
(6 rows)

3.13. Downgrade the database with –base and –no-confirm#

  • Check the result in the database

 /home/ken $ dvc db downgrade --base --no-confirm
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
Current Database Version is V3
Next Downgrade Revision Version will be 3
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
Below files will be applied:
[File Path: sample_revision_sql_files/RV3__datetime__drop_vw_trading_days_since_2021.downgrade.sql, File Path: sample_revision_sql_files/RV2__create_scm_datetime_and_tbls.downgrade.sql, File Path: sample_revision_sql_files/RV1__create_scm_fundamentals_and_tbls.downgrade.sql]
Going to apply file File Path: sample_revision_sql_files/RV3__datetime__drop_vw_trading_days_since_2021.downgrade.sql .....
INFO:root:Now applying sample_revision_sql_files/RV3__datetime__drop_vw_trading_days_since_2021.downgrade.sql and marking to metadata table
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
Going to apply file File Path: sample_revision_sql_files/RV2__create_scm_datetime_and_tbls.downgrade.sql .....
INFO:root:Now applying sample_revision_sql_files/RV2__create_scm_datetime_and_tbls.downgrade.sql and marking to metadata table
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
Going to apply file File Path: sample_revision_sql_files/RV1__create_scm_fundamentals_and_tbls.downgrade.sql .....
INFO:root:Now applying sample_revision_sql_files/RV1__create_scm_fundamentals_and_tbls.downgrade.sql and marking to metadata table
INFO:root:Reading config from file...
INFO:root:Reading config from file...

3.14. Check Database tables again#

  • Check the result in the database

 /home/ken $ psql -U postgres -d my_test_db
psql (14.3)
Type "help" for help.

my_test_db=# select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema not in ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog');
 table_catalog | table_schema |        table_name         | table_type | self_referencing_column_name | reference_generation | user_defined_type_catal
og | user_defined_type_schema | user_defined_type_name | is_insertable_into | is_typed | commit_action
 my_test_db    | dvc          | database_revision_history | BASE TABLE |                              |                      |
   |                          |                        | YES                | NO       |
 my_test_db    | dvc          | database_version_history  | BASE TABLE |                              |                      |
   |                          |                        | YES                | NO       |
(2 rows)

my_test_db=# \pset format wrapped
Output format is wrapped.
my_test_db=# select * from dvc.database_revision_history;
 revision_id | executed_sql_file_folder |    executed_sql_file_name     | executed_sql_file_content_hash | executed_sql_file_content | operation | revision_applied |       created_at
           1 | sample_revision_sql_file.| RV1__create_scm_fundamentals_.| 0f76966869d3d4eb2d3511f1dcd6f6.| -- create schema         +| Upgrade   | RV1              | 2022-06-25 09:56:53.161.
             |.s                        |.and_tbls.upgrade.sql          |.1d                             | CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXIS.|           |                  |.503
             |                          |                               |                                |.TS fundamentals;         +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | -- create table          +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXIST.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.S fundamentals.source    +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |   (                      +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |      source_id INTEGER PR.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.IMARY KEY,               +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |      source VARCHAR(50) N.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.OT NULL UNIQUE,          +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |      created_at TIMESTAMP.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |. NOT NULL DEFAULT (now() .|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.at time zone 'utc'),     +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |      CONSTRAINT source_ux.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |. UNIQUE (source)         +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |   );                     +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | -- Initialise with pre-se.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.t source                 +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | INSERT INTO fundamentals..|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.source (source_id, source.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.)                        +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | VALUES (1, 'yahoo'), (2, .|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.'investing_dot_com') on c.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.onflict do nothing;      +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | -- create table          +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXIST.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.S fundamentals.price     +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |   (                      +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |      ticker VARCHAR(10) N.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.OT NULL,                 +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |      date DATE NOT NULL, +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |      open   NUMERIC(50,10.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.) NOT NULL CHECK (open >=.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.0),                      +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |      high   NUMERIC(50,10.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.) NOT NULL CHECK (high >=.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.0),                      +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |      low   NUMERIC(50,10).|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |. NOT NULL CHECK (low >=0).|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.,                        +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |      close   NUMERIC(50,1.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.0) NOT NULL CHECK (close .|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.>=0),                    +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |      adj_close   NUMERIC(.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.50,10) NOT NULL CHECK (ad.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.j_close >=0),            +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |      volume   NUMERIC(50,.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.10) NOT NULL CHECK (volum.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.e >=0),                  +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |      source_id  INTEGER, +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |      created_at TIMESTAMP.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |. NOT NULL DEFAULT (now() .|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.at time zone 'utc'),     +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |      updated_at TIMESTAMP.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |. NOT NULL DEFAULT (now() .|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.at time zone 'utc'),     +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |      PRIMARY KEY (ticker,.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |. date),                  +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |      CONSTRAINT fk_source.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |. FOREIGN KEY(source_id) R.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.EFERENCES fundamentals.so.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.urce(source_id) ON DELETE.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |. CASCADE                 +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |   );                     +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |                           |           |                  |
           2 | sample_revision_sql_file.| RV2__create_scm_datetime_and_.| 993c55319cdeec01775b868b94b7d6.| create schema if not exis.| Upgrade   | RV2              | 2022-06-25 09:59:01.019.
             |.s                        |.tbls.upgrade.sql              |.2e                             |.ts datetime;             +|           |                  |.371
             |                          |                               |                                | create table if not exist.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.s datetime.special_date( +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |   date date primary key, +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |   is_hk_public_holiday bo.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.olean default False,     +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |   created_at TIMESTAMP NO.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.T NULL DEFAULT (now() at .|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.time zone 'utc'),        +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |   updated_at TIMESTAMP NO.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.T NULL DEFAULT (now() at .|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.time zone 'utc')         +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | );                        |           |                  |
           3 | sample_revision_sql_file.| RV3__datetime__create_vw_trad.| ffe591a58e951e7bbe87b0c06b7d8c.| create or replace view da.| Upgrade   | RV3              | 2022-06-25 09:59:01.832.
             |.s                        |.ing_days_since_2021.upgrade.s.|.fa                             |.tetime.vw_trading_days_si.|           |                  |.872
             |                          |.ql                            |                                |.nce_2021 as with weekdays.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |. (weekday) as (          +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | select                   +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |         dt               +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | -- Set timezone of now() .|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.to UTC                   +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | from                     +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |         generate_series('.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.2021-01-01':: date, now().|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |. at time zone 'utc', '1 d.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.ay':: interval) dt       +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | where                    +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |         extract(dow      +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | from                     +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |         dt) not in (6, 0)+|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |         ),               +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |         hk_holidays (hk_h.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.oliday) as (             +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | select                   +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |         date             +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | from                     +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |         datetime.special_.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.date sd                  +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | where                    +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |         is_hk_public_holi.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.day = true               +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |         ),               +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | trading_days (trading_day.|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |.) as (                   +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | select                   +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |         weekday          +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | from                     +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |         weekdays         +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | except                   +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | select                   +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |         hk_holiday       +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | from                     +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |         hk_holidays)     +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | select                   +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |         trading_day      +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | from                     +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |         trading_days     +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                | order by                 +|           |                  |
             |                          |                               |                                |         trading_days ;    |           |                  |
           4 | sample_revision_sql_file.| RV3__datetime__drop_vw_tradin.| b4fd8e1c50f3f17eab0ad8f05d2d50.| drop view if exists datet.| Downgrade | RV3              | 2022-06-25 10:09:41.442.
             |.s                        |.g_days_since_2021.downgrade.s.|.b1                             |.ime.vw_trading_days_since.|           |                  |.939
             |                          |.ql                            |                                |._2021;                    |           |                  |
           5 | sample_revision_sql_file.| RV2__create_scm_datetime_and_.| d040183e1231b5e4e82f0c7e4133d0.| drop schema datetime casc.| Downgrade | RV2              | 2022-06-25 10:09:41.471.
             |.s                        |.tbls.downgrade.sql            |.c6                             |.ade;                      |           |                  |.216
           6 | sample_revision_sql_file.| RV1__create_scm_fundamentals_.| f28acbf63e26ece3c0324a9cd74dd2.| drop schema fundamentals .| Downgrade | RV1              | 2022-06-25 10:09:41.493.
             |.s                        |.and_tbls.downgrade.sql        |.87                             |.cascade;                  |           |                  |.714