1. Development and Release Workflow#

This page explains the development/release workflow.

It follows the model of Release Branching Strategy

A diagram explaining the branching strategy for development and release

Sourced from http://releaseflow.org/#

1.1. Development - Add new features#

In General,

  • Create a feature branch from master. Call it feature/{theme}

  • Keep making changes to the feature branch until the feature is ready. Make sure it passes all automated tests.

  • Merge it to master branch after it’s complete.

# Git clone the repo and checkout master
git clone -b master git@github.com:kenho811/Python_Database_Version_Control.git

# create a feature branch from the master branch
git checkout -b feature/{theme}

# Pip install dependencies
pip install with `pip install ".[dev]"`

# Development

# Write unit + integration tests

# Run pytest

# Generate Documentation locally. ISLOCAL=1 removes local dependencies.
cd docs
ISLOCAL=1 make clean html

# Open PR against master

1.2. Release - Make App available for deployment#

In General,

  • Do a code-cut from the master branch.

  • Name the new branch release/{major.minor}

  • Create a tag based on the new branch release{major.minor.patch}

# Review and merge PR into master branch

# Update local master branch
git checkout master
git pull

# Update local master branch

# Update the tool's version under src/dvc/version.py
# See: https://github.com/kenho811/Python_Database_Version_Control/blob/master/src/dvc/version.py#L1
# Example: __version__ = "{major.minor.patch}"

# Cut a release branch with the same updated version number
git checkout -b release/{major.minor}
git push --set-upstream origin release/{new_version_num}

# Create a new release tag
git tag release/{major.minor.patch}
git push --tags

1.3. Hotfix - Fix deployment bugs#

In General,

  • Say the release with release tag release/0.5.0 has bugs.

  • Create a new hotfix branch from the branch release/0.5

  • After the fix is in place, merge it against release/0.5

  • Create a new release tag based on the latest commit at release/0.5. Call it release/0.5.1.

# Checkout the release branch which the problematic release tag belongs to
git checkout release/0.5

# Create hotfix branch
git branch -b hotfix/against_0.5.0

# Once done, open a PR and merge back to release/0.5

# At release/0.5 branch, update the __version__
# See: https://github.com/kenho811/Python_Database_Version_Control/blob/master/src/dvc/version.py#L1
# Example: __version__ = "0.5.1"

# Create a new release tag
git tag release/0.5.1
git push --tags
  • The CI pipeline specified here will manage the rest.