5.1. Overview#

This page explains gives a graphical overview of the tool.

5.1.1. DVC CLI commands and subcommands#

This section explains the client-facing side of the tool. The library is exposed via the commandline dvc.

digraph cli {
   graph [fontname="Verdana", fontsize="12"];
   node [fontname="Verdana", fontsize="12"];
   edge [fontname="Sans", fontsize="9"];

  dvc -> {cfg, db}
  cfg -> init
  db -> {ping, init, upgrade, downgrade}


DVC CLI Commands and Subcommands#

5.1.2. Data Structures# Core Structure#

This section explains the core of the tool. It shows the interaction between the classes (marked in yellow). Greyed out items are features yet to be implemented.

digraph core {
   graph [fontname="Verdana", fontsize="12"];
   node [fontname="Verdana", fontsize="12"];
   edge [fontname="Sans", fontsize="9"];
   label = "Core";

   env [label="Env Var"];
   conffile [label="Config File"];
   ConfigReader [label="ConfigReader", shape="class", color="yellow", style="filled"];
   ConfigFileWriter [label="ConfigFileWriter", shape="class", color="yellow", style="filled"];
   DatabaseRevisionFilesManager [label="DatabaseRevisionFilesManager", shape="class", color="yellow", style="filled"];
   sqlfiles [label="SQL Files"];

   subgraph cluster_0 {
       label="SQLFileExecutors and Databases"

       PostgresqlSQLFileExecutor[shape="class", color="yellow", style="filled"];
       MysqlSQLFileExecutor[shape="class", color="grey", style="filled"];
       BigquerySQLFileExecutor[shape="class", color="grey", style="filled"];
       mysql[color=grey, style="filled"];
       bigquery[color=grey, style="filled"];

       PostgresqlSQLFileExecutor -> postgresql[label="apply"]
       MysqlSQLFileExecutor -> mysql[label="apply"]
       BigquerySQLFileExecutor -> bigquery[label="apply"]

   env -> ConfigReader[label="input"];
   ConfigFileWriter -> conffile[label="generate"];
   conffile -> ConfigReader[label="input"];
   ConfigReader -> DatabaseRevisionFilesManager[label="input"];
   DatabaseRevisionFilesManager -> sqlfiles[label="lookup"];
   DatabaseRevisionFilesManager -> {PostgresqlSQLFileExecutor,MysqlSQLFileExecutor,BigquerySQLFileExecutor}[label="call"];


DVC Core structure# DatabaseVersion and DatabaseRevisionFile#

  • Below is a series of graphs illustrating the relationship between

    • Current Database Version (DatabaseVersion)

    • Target Database Version (DatabaseVersion)

    • One or more Database Revision Files (DatabaseRevisionFiles)

digraph core {

   curr_dbver [label="V1", shape="cylinder"];
   tar_dbver [label="V2", shape="cylinder"];
   dbrev_file [label="RV2, Upgrade", shape="note"];

   subgraph cluster_0 {

       {rank=same curr_dbver dbrev_file}

       curr_dbver -> dbrev_file[label="plus", arrowhead="none"];


   dbrev_file -> tar_dbver [ltail=cluster_0, lhead=tar_dbver];


V1 + RV2 (Upgrade) = V2#

digraph core {

   curr_dbver [label="V1", shape="cylinder"];
   tar_dbver [label="V0", shape="cylinder"];
   dbrev_file [label="RV1, Downgrade", shape="note"];

   subgraph cluster_0 {

       {rank=same curr_dbver dbrev_file}

       curr_dbver -> dbrev_file[label="plus", arrowhead="none"];


   dbrev_file -> tar_dbver [ltail=cluster_0, lhead=tar_dbver];


V1 + RV1 (Downgrade) = V0#

digraph core {

   curr_dbver [label="V3", shape="cylinder"];
   tar_dbver [label="V5", shape="cylinder"];
   dbrev_file_1 [label="RV4, Upgrade", shape="note"];
   dbrev_file_2 [label="RV5, Upgrade", shape="note"];

   subgraph cluster_0 {

       {rank=same curr_dbver tar_dbver}

       tar_dbver -> curr_dbver[label="minus", arrowhead="none"];


   subgraph cluster_ {

       {rank=same dbrev_file_1 dbrev_file_2}

       dbrev_file_1 -> dbrev_file_2[ arrowhead="none"];


   curr_dbver -> dbrev_file_1 [ltail=cluster_0, lhead=cluster_1];


V5 - V3 = [RV4 Upgrade + RV5 Upgrade]#

digraph core {

   curr_dbver [label="V5", shape="cylinder"];
   tar_dbver [label="V3", shape="cylinder"];
   dbrev_file_1 [label="RV5, Downgrade", shape="note"];
   dbrev_file_2 [label="RV4, Downgrade", shape="note"];

   subgraph cluster_0 {

       {rank=same curr_dbver tar_dbver}

       tar_dbver -> curr_dbver[label="minus", arrowhead="none"];


   subgraph cluster_ {

       {rank=same dbrev_file_1 dbrev_file_2}

       dbrev_file_1 -> dbrev_file_2[ arrowhead="none"];


   curr_dbver -> dbrev_file_1 [ltail=cluster_0, lhead=cluster_1];


V3 - V5 = [RV5 Downgrade + RV4 Downgrade]#